Every politician has scandals, some big and some small. While they try to keep those scandals hidden, the press is always lurking, hungry for a fresh, sordid story to lead off the evening news…
About Indictment
In Indictment, players are politicians, trying to bury their scandals before the press digs up the dirt. Each turn, players play either scandal cards or cover-up cards. A player then chooses which scandal to reveal, hoping his or her opponents have a bigger scandal-in-the-making to occupy the press. The tension increases as players move toward the conclusion of the game. Just as there are no winners in the game of politics, there is no winner in Indictment. Instead, the last player left holding onto scandals is indicted and loses the game. Everyone else merely survives until the next round of scandals hits.

“In a city council meeting, I announced that I’d been having an affair with a councilwoman. My wife was at the meeting, and when she tried to deny that we had been separated at the time, I ordered city police officers to forcibly remove her for ‘interrupting,’ and then promptly adjourned the meeting.”