No better way to learn a game than to hear it straight from the game designer’s mouth! Lincolnite Kane Click is the designer of Coal Country and hosted a play session at Indigo Bridge Books (www.indigobridgebooks.com). Kane has hosted many play sessions at various conventions and it showed...he quickly got us going with a fun mix of instructions, advice and history of developing Coal Country. He is living the dream of most games of designing a game and getting it published by a major player like Rio Grande Games (www.riograndegames.com).
Coal Country is an economic game of coal mining, selling, corporate profit, utilities and buildings with a healthy dose of corruption.

Great art and some really cool little pieces of coal highlight the box but what made the game stand out was the depth and speed of play. Each action influences other actions, sale price, costs etc. It quickly became apparent that there as strategies as there were players. Loved the math strategy of pricing, supply and historical earnings. The play is incredibly quick and interactive. Game turns are broken into various actions where all players participate so a player doesn’t experience down time. Several of the actions can be done simultaneously by all players. So fun!
Gonna grab a copy of Coal Company and play it at our next Geeky Game Night.
My first time at Indigo Books and we will be back soon. Fun store dedicated to transforming people through books, games and a relaxing environment. The cafe has tasty food, coffee and other snacks. Felt so good hanging out there.
Awesome to see a Nebraska game designer find the mother lode!